How would you feel if you wake up one day and just realize that all these years, the person you consider one of your BFFs turns out to be so fake and only remembers you when she needs something from you? Or the person you treasure more than anything else doesn't feel the same way? It hurts, it sucks big time and the best part is, you feel sorry for your self, half-regretting the fact that you wasted your time, energy, effort and friendship with the person who hardly deserves it. What a bummer.
Having said these, have you realized which one are you? Are you the poor victim or the merciless prey? I must admit that I was once a prey but it didn't do me any good. So to make everything equal in my own ways, I tried my best to be the combination of both (in a good way), which i think makes sense. But there are instances that you can't avoid like when a person comes to you and makes you feel special and you can't help but fall for it. It happened to me a lot of times and I did let it happen. I guess I never learn. I feel good when people come to me and seek for advice, invite me to have coffee with them, have a drink, smoke like a chimney and chit-chat. I have a lot of friends but I certainly know who among them are true, sincere, best critic, fake and user-friendly. Trust me, I know. It's so easy to sort their kinds because i get to be with each kind everyday.
My best friend of 8 years and i used to hate each other; i hated the way she walks and she used to think i'm a snob. Everything changed when we were smoking, it rained and she offered to have her umbrella shared with me. how sweet. we were inseparable since then. We accidentally worn the same top, sandals, etc but we didn't mind. I used to sleep at her place, we used to have coffee everyday, she's been there for me, helping me recover from my breakup and vice versa. She helped me get a new outfit for my job interview, she knows how to make me laugh when I'm down with shit and i would never ever trade our friendship with anything else. I can be myself when i'm with her. No pretensions, no rules. We're still the best of friends though we have now different set of friends because I'm here and she's miles away. There are shortcomings of course but we always work things out.
I have this other friend who only remembers me when she needs anything personal to gain. May it be advice, money or company (always the second option of course). She may not seem to notice but I know. In all fairness to her, it's not really obvious when we're together because she's really sweet and she tells me everything; so i am kind of thinking that it's not really intentional. I mean, yes, she might not mean to make me feel that she's using me because she might really not. you know what i mean? But hey, if you're an adviser, you'd also love to have an update on the outcome, right? And that is not happening and that fact makes me doubt her sincerity with this so-called friendship. So i started not to care until she proves me wrong.
So let's talk about my best critic, who i really appreciate because despite all the criticism and sarcasm (sometimes), she always means well. next to my best friend, she's the person who would tell me to my face that i'm about to do something really stupid, that i look like this and that etc. But the honesty is always appreciated; I just hope that she has subtle ways of letting me know though. haha. I can be very sensitive sometimes.
Lastly, i have this friend for years (that's what i thought so) and now, it's like i never existed in his world. Why? because he owes me money. My gawd, I might appreciate it more if he had the decency to let me know what's going on... i might understand, right? I'm willing to forget everything if he'll come to me and explain.. but that hasn't happened yet and i'm still waiting.. because i would not want to put our friendship to waste.
I can go on and write and write and write but... I'm getting a bit of tired. Why? because friends are everywhere and we deal with different people everyday. We just need to be careful with our choices; regardless if it's a tough decision or choosing the people to be a part of our everyday life. Now going back to my question, are you the victim, prey or both?
You choose.