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Mothers Who Murdered Their Children

I was browsing some videos  in YouTube and I came across with this very disturbing video clip. This compilation made the Malaysian mom (who was seen beating her crying 8- month old daughter/son) a good mom because her child is still alive. But who knows? Who knows what could have happened if the mother wasn't sent to jail, right? 

As a mother, I also somehow understand how frustrating it is to raise a child. It's exhausting and overwhelming at times but hey, there are other ways to handle stress and frustration. For me, the most frustrating part is that you can't and you MUST NOT let all the stress out to your little one. Grab a coffee, count one to ten, smoke, get some fresh air but NEVER ever lift a hand to beat your baby because that would not make him/her stop crying; you're only adding salt into the wound.

The video states the possible reasons why some mothers hurt their own flesh and blood; depression, retaliation, stress, desperation, and some are just mentally ill. I admit, I'm one of the "stressed-out" ones but my gawd, I couldn't imagine the thought of taking my own child's life (regardless of the reason). I should have kept my legs closed if I didn't want the baby in the first place, right?

Taking a break and having a "ME TIME" is really a big help especially for full-time moms like me. It extends the thread of my patience and recharges the battery of my strength. Also, spending time with friends every once in a while makes you miss your baby, doesn't it? After watching this video, I took a glance at my sleeping baby and I realized one thing... I'm one helluva good mother and I'm the perfect mom for my baby Mische.